HomeGreen Living5 Simple Ideas For an Eco-Friendly House and Lifestyle

5 Simple Ideas For an Eco-Friendly House and Lifestyle


Everywhere you turn people are becoming more conscious of environmental protection. The combination of news about climate change and poor health affected by pollution has driven many activists and regular citizens to adopt a greener lifestyle. Not only does going green promote better health but also it adds natural beauty to a home, which boosts positive energy. Here are simple ways to create an eco-friendly house.

5 Simple Ideas For an Eco-Friendly House and Lifestyle

Invest in House Plants and Gardening

One of the easiest ways to enter the green revolution is to add plants to your home’s interior. After all, plants are what give us oxygen to breathe, so why not get closer to the source? Plants remind us we’re part of the earth, which helps us think more about preserving the environment. Popular house plants include crotons, orchids, and bamboo. Plants help improve indoor air quality and bring life to an empty room.

Growing a garden in your yard is another green move that can raise the quality of your life. By growing your own fruits and vegetables you can cut down on shopping bills for produce. It can also influence you to eat a healthier diet, particularly since the product will be fresher than what you buy at even the most nutritious health food stores. Popular crops grown in home gardens include tomatoes, blueberries, and greens. Planning your garden should begin with researching your climate to find out the harvest season and the best methods to grow desired crops for your region. 

One of the growing issues in society is nutrition as a proactive measure to prevent illness. Although mainstream media, which relies heavily on advertising from junk food and soda companies, promotes unhealthy fast food as fun and family-oriented, you must reprogram your mind to see through the hype. The goal of commercial food companies is to get you addicted to their brands. It’s wiser to seek your own goals beyond the lure of mass marketing. Growing your own organic food is a healthier investment in your future than conforming to televised trends. 

Replace Chemicals with Natural Solutions

One of the consequences of industrialization and modern technology has been too much exposure to toxic chemicals, many of which are petroleum derivatives. These oils are found in food preservatives, skin and hair care products, and cleansers. Toxic chemicals are also found in plastics and other commercial containers. Very little was known about the toxicity of plastic until the 1990s. Now some states like California are putting restrictions on plastic due to health concerns. 

If you are concerned about being surrounded by dangerous chemicals, start thinking about alternatives. Glass, for example, is a more eco-friendly material than plastic and lasts much longer if it doesn’t break. Instead of buying disposable plastic, paper, or styrofoam cups, consider sticking with glass or another more sustainable material. 

For cleaning, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide work fairly well without unleashing pollutants in your environment. Coconut oil is another multi-purpose substance that can replace all kinds of chemicals. Instead of using conventional toothpaste, which contains potentially deadly toxic poison if swallowed, create your own toothpaste out of coconut oil and baking soda. 

Practice Energy Conservation 

Nobody likes paying high energy bills, especially if they run into hundreds. One solution to this problem is to become a conservationist. Cutting waste is one of the most important aspects of moving toward sustainability. Simply look at the types of energy you are using and the components they power. It helps to become more familiar with science by analyzing how electric bills are measured in kilowatt-hours. 

If you cannot afford to retrofit your home with more energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment, look for ways to cut back on using electricity. You can at least look for air leaks in your home that affect energy efficiency and seal them with affordable sealant. Wearing warmer clothes in the winter and lighter attire in the summer helps. Turning off all lights and electronics when not in use is another easy way to conserve. 

Another way to save energy is to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels. Gas prices tend to fluctuate and are often based on production schedules by oil companies. If you prefer to control your own energy costs and consumption, use your vehicle more sparingly. Remember that walking is good exercise, which is one of the keys to good health. 

Cutting water consumption is another way to reduce energy bills and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. Yes, water is necessary for life, but water from a utility company can be expensive in certain regions depending on the water supply. Remember that a water filtering device is more eco-friendly and economical in the long run than buying water in plastic bottles. As for washing clothes, try to reduce the number of batches per week. 

Reuse and Recycle

Disposable culture has been the norm since the sixties. It has led to polluting oceans and wildlife with plastic debris and building up landfills with waste. Think about moving toward sustainable containers that can be reused for years. Metal and aluminum specifically have long lifespans and can be recycled. 

Certain product containers such as oatmeal boxes can be reused for years to store pens, receipts, and odd items hard to categorize. Old carpets can be used as sound barriers and insulation when mounted between walls. Instead of throwing away old items like TVs, stereos, and clothes, you can earn money selling them in a garage sale or online. Glass bottles, tin cans, and other sustainable packaging materials can be returned to a recycling center for cash as well. 

Educate Yourself About Industry and Nature

Even though the cost of education in America has skyrocketed since the eighties due to less government funding and higher spending on administrators, the Internet still represents a low-cost learning tool. There are plenty of informative websites that provide a wealth of free knowledge about science and any other major topic. Start exploring sites that routinely publish environmental studies and those with a focus on better health and sustainable practices. 


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Finnegan Pierson
Finnegan Pierson loves business and has a passion for technology. Even more interesting is the combination of the two. As a freelance writer, Finn hopes to influence others so they can have a positive business experience.

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